Soothing blend for babies
A completely natural blend of sedative essential oils in cold-pressed carrier oils to calm your baby. The safe, gentle and anti-viral oils will protect baby's tender skin, while treating rashes and soothing tantrums.
Contains: cold-pressed oils (almond, macadamia), herbal extract (calendula), essential oils (chamomile, lavender, tangerine). Packaged in a blue glass recyclable bottle.
Wash Rocks Assorted Aromabals
Some people call it soap, or soap stones... Or floating soap... Call it whatever you like!
Violet, Ocean Scrub, Peach, Rose Ginger, Peppermint Polenta, Banana Coconut, Herbal, Cinnamon Lemon Tea Tree, Aniseed Charcoal, Sandalwood, Seaweed Spearmint
Corrynnes Soap 100g
Organic natural Australian hand made soaps. Makers of Genuine Natural Products have been hand making natural soaps and body.
Paraben free, non toxic
Made in south western Australia
No Pong Bi Carb Free Anti Spicy Chai Odourant 35g
Ear Candles X 2 100% Beeswax R & B Ear Candles
100% WA Beeswax, 100% Cotton.
An Ancient remedy used by Hopi & South American Indians, Egyptians, Chinese & Central Europeans. R & B Ear Candles are the original brand made in Western Australia, using 100% cotton and pure West Australian Beeswax with no additives.
No Pong Spicy Chai All Natural Anti Odourant 35g