Kfibre™ is a functional and prebiotic fibre for gut health management and microbiome support containing active phytonutrients and antioxidants.
If you suffer from digestive troubles and your body is telling you it's time to change your diet, a complex prebiotic mix of insoluble and soluble fibres, phytonutrients and natural antioxidants can get you back on track with just a spoonful each day. This is what Kfibre can do for you.
Phyto Shred Fat Burner Passionfruit Punch 260g PranaOn
MCT Oil Kick Start 250ml Melrose
Metabocel Weight Control With Garcinia 90T Cabot Health
Energy Shot 60ml Remedy Shots
here’s a mouth party going on right here with this berry delicious shot packing a flavour punch with all-natural strawberry, raspberry and blackberry. Expect juicy, jammy, berry flavours with subtle notes of vanilla and caramel.