Face Compost Organic Purple Power 75ml Eco Tan
One of my most vivid childhood memories of my Mum was her doing the ironing with a face mask on (no doubt highly toxic). So, my love for masks and all things organic has driven me wild and obsessed with creating a phenomenal super-powered, supernatural and supercharged range of masks. I take my time and if it’s not right, I don’t launch it. I crave the unique and transforming organic ingredients and I will not bow down to the mighty dollar. Come to the stage Face Compost Purple Power Mask and take a bow! What I love about this mask is that it deeply cleans your pores, yet doesn’t leave my skin dry and tight. If I had to describe it, I’d describe it as a comforting cuddle for my face. Nothing but goodness!
Purple Power for your face – like no other mask you’ve tried before.
This is a supernatural CLEAR & CALM mask for your face. A purifying and powerful antioxidant rich, anti-inflammatory treatment mask which is perfect for all skin types. It’s a perfect accompaniment to our fabulous Skin Compost™ Range.
TIP: Perfect as a pre makeup mask to help your foundation glide on.